Padlock le timer agus caption TimePasscode

Luchdaich sìos gu inneal Android agad

Biodh an aplacaid an-còmhnaidh ri làimh air an inneal agad. Feuch an toir thu measadh dhuinn air Play Store

Google Play Store
Padlock with timer and caption TimePasscode

Glasadh ùine facal-faire 

Cuir stad air am facal-faire airson greis!


Cuir casg air fuasgladh facal-faire ron àm a tha thu ag iarraidh. Biodh làn smachd agad air an iuchair ruigsinneachd aige agus dèan cinnteach nach eil cothrom aig duine ach thusa air. A’ faighinn tlachd às an cruth crioptachaidh as èifeachdaiche agus as sàbhailte - ECC

Feuch app air-loidhne

glas-chòmhdaich glaiste le timer
Time password locker starts
Sgrion app le facal-faire agus còd ruigsinneachd agus facal-faire glaiste ùine

Glasadh ùine facal-faire.


Bidh an aplacaid a’ gineadh faclan-faire crioptaichte ùine. Chan urrainnear am facal-faire a chaidh a chruthachadh a dhì-chrioptachadh ach às deidh ùine sònraichte. Chan eil faclan-faire ginte no còdan ruigsinneachd air an stòradh san tagradh. Chan eil an aplacaid a’ stòradh ach iuchair phrìobhaideach agus paramadairean cruinne an algairim ECC.

Luchdadh a-nuas gu fòn agad

Sgrion app gluasadach rè rèiteachadh neart facal-faire agus taghadh ùine glasaidh
Sgrion glasaidh ùine facal-faire ann an app gluasadach

Luchdaich a-nuas an-asgaidh mobile app.


Luchdaich sìos an aplacaid an-asgaidh gus am bi e an-còmhnaidh còmhla riut. Tlachd a ghabhail air locker ùine facal-faire air an inneal gluasadach agad.

Luchdadh a-nuas gu fòn agad

Padlock with ECC caption

Cryptography Curve Elliptic


Tha glas ùine facal-faire air a stiùireadh le ECC, dòigh eile an àite RSA, a tha na dhòigh-obrach cumhachdach criptography. Bidh e a’ gineadh tèarainteachd eadar prìomh chàraidean airson crioptachadh iuchraichean poblach le bhith a’ cleachdadh matamataig lùban elliptic.

Suaicheantas Web App adhartach

App lìn adhartach


Tha an tagradh a’ toirt taic do Progressive Web App (PWA). Tha seo a’ ciallachadh gun urrainn dhut a stàladh air an inneal agad agus a chleachdadh mar app leis fhèin. Bidh PWA a’ toirt taic do dh’ innealan gluasadach is deasg, gus an urrainn dhut a chleachdadh gu goireasach an àite sam bith.

Mobile app presented on  phone device
suaicheantas padlock

Tèarainteachd facal-faire.


Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad le aon de na dòighean crioptachaidh as sàbhailte - ECC. Is tusa an aon neach-seilbh a bhios ann oir chan eil an t-seirbheis againn a’ stòradh faclan-faire no iuchraichean. Mar sin, bi faiceallach. Na caill an iuchair ruigsinneachd agad!

samhla cloc

Time lock.


Dèan cinnteach nach urrainn do dhuine sam bith am facal-faire a leughadh ron àm shuidhichte. Cùm an iuchair ruigsinneachd agad no thoir do chuideigin eile e agus bi cinnteach nach leugh duine am facal-faire agad mus tig an ùine glasaidh gu crìch.

Ìomhaigh còd qr

Còd ruigsinneachd QR.


Cruthaich còd QR a leigeas leat am facal-faire a dhì-chrioptachadh. Faodaidh tu a shàbhaladh, a luchdachadh suas no a chlò-bhualadh. Cuir e gus an tèid a dhì-chrioptachadh leis an neach cheart aig an àm cheart.

Dà shaighead thoinnte

Facal-faire air a ghineadh.


Cruthaich facal-faire air thuaiream den neart taghte. Faodaidh tu taghadh a fhad agus dè na caractaran a bu chòir a bhith ann. Faodaidh tu cuideachd co-dhùnadh dè am facal-faire a bu chòir a bhith agus do chuid fhèin a chruthachadh.

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pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity

pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity

pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity pluckyfilter pluckeye badassworkroom mature metal steelworxx steelworks red chili devices lockedinlust teamlocked smbsm lockedinlust sadisticcoach ptimelock chaster chastikey emlalock chastitymansion chastityforums holdingchastity


Bidh Możesz a’ cleachdadh fiosrachadh mu Phlana Premium

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